The Worst Years of Our Lives…

The Worst Years of Our Lives…Trump, in only four years, tanked a roaring, put more people out of work than the depression, added $9 trillion dollars to the federal deficit, indelibly stained the American flag, incited an insurrection to stay in office, murdered more Americans than Hitler, lost the Republican Party to extremists, lost the Senate and the White House, lost the prestige of the US presidency around the world, was repeatedly condemned by all former living US presidents, thousands of former government and department heads, ex-legal and court officials, including the Supreme Court, dozens to top military leaders, as well as many of Trump’s own cabinet members. Trump is now the only US president to be formally impeached twice, caught lying in public over 3,000 times, had more women accuse him of molestation, and left office faces more continuing lawsuits totaling billions of dollars than anyone in world history, and worst of all was allowed to stay in office through the relentless efforts of years of a manufactured yellow journalism, lies and misinformation campaign by Hate Media, degenerate religious zealot evangelicals, racist xenophobes, and the complicit criminal assistance of Republican party leadership. …

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